Being Thankful
This year a lot of amazing events happened to me. I am thankful for every opportunity that came my way this past year. In April I finally got my license and became an independent driver. It helps a lot when you have many places to be at. In May I competed to become Coal Queen Representative and won. It is something that I have always wanted to become and it was an honor. Also in May I got my first job. Then in July I won the Remo C. Bertugli Award, which is my first award I’ve ever won in the Miss. Rain Day Pageant. August was the Coal Queen Pageant and I won Top Interview. That was such an amazing accomplishment for me, since that is the one area that I had problems in. I have many more blessings to be thankful for, but these are the ones that stick out the most to me so far this year. I am also thankful for the supportive people that have been behind me in everything that I am involved in. One person I am very thankful for is my mother. She never discourages me when I say I want to do something. She has faith in me when I don’t. It is something I really appreciate a lot. She puts up with me when I start to become difficult and discouraged. Also my closest friends do the same thing they are with me every step of the way supporting me and I feel so very blessed to have them. These all the things that I am tankful for.

Kayla Pendland is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla participates in Leo Club and Drama Club. She is a member of the cheer squad, chorus,...