It’s now November and that time of the year is coming. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, but it’s mostly about the pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is something that I really like to make during November. My family and I like to have it only in the fall season though. Fall always gets people in the mood for Thanksgiving.
My birthday is near Thanksgiving. My family and I have pumpkin pie instead of cake for my birthday. I love all things pumpkin. I really like that November foods are in the fall because that is my favorite season. November is a happy month for me because everyone is in a happy mood and the fall season always makes me happy. Pumpkin Pie has been a food that I liked ever since I was little. I’m not sure what it was, but that was a food I liked to have on Thanksgiving and my birthday. It didn’t really feel like Thanksgiving without the pumpkin pie. November is a special month because it’s a fall month, it’s my birthday month and for the special fall foods.
Thanksgiving is when I get to have my favorite food. I also get to embrace the fall weather. I love Thanksgiving time because it just makes me happy with all of the things I love. Thanksgiving is a fun and happy time, especially when there is pumpkin pie.

Nicole Thomas is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She participates in volleyball and softball. She also participates in Girl Scouts.