Nicole Thomas – Athlete Article

    Gavin Ostrich

    More stories from Gavin Ostrich

    February 24, 2017

    Nicole Thomas is a sophomore and a member of the volleyball team.

    Thomas said, “My advice would be to just be confident in yourself and your team. She also, wants to be outspoken and loud because volleyball has a need for good communication skills.” Volleyball is a team sport and communication and trust in your teammates is what makes a team.

    She has played for three years, starting from 8th grade to 10th grade. Her goals are to open up more because she is a naturally quiet person and, she wants to change that. Also, she wants to be more confident with her skills and, to know more about what she is doing.

    Thomas said, “My goals for furthering my education are to improve my skills with school and sports.”

    She believes there is a big change between middle school and high school volleyball. The fast paced level and knowledge of playing, grows every year and, she believes it can sometimes be hard to transition to a whole new level.