Cameron Cernuska – Athlete Biography

    Michael Pochron

    More stories from Michael Pochron

    A Final Farewell
    May 24, 2017

    Cameron Cernuska is a sophomore and a member of the Waynesburg Rifle Team. Cernuska has participated in rifle for the past two years and lettered his freshman year in the sport.

    During his 8th grade year, Cernuska attended a rifle camp on weekends at Frazier Simplex. Attending camp allowed him to improve his shot and learning the basics and quickly moving onto competing.

    “I was always attracted to anything related to shooting. Whether it be shooting sporting clays or in my backyard, I enjoy it. When I heard about the opportunity to soot on the school’s team, I was all for it,” said Cernuska.

    Cernuska personally enjoys rifle more so than other sports, however this does not mean that rifle is easy. It is a particularly difficult sport due to none of the games are won due to physical strength alone, but matches are purely won based on mental strength and the will to win.

    The most rewarding part of rifle to Cernuska is “refining my shooting abilities as well as my time management skills, whilst having fun.”

    The toughest thing about participating in rifle is staying completely and totally focused when shooting. This is also the number one thing he recommends newcomers to work on first due to it being easy to learn but hard to master .

    After high school Cernuska does not have a definite plan about the future of his rifle career, however “I can guarantee I will continue to shoot in my spare time.”