Christian Pyles- Athlete Biography
Christian Pyles is a senior and a member of the football team.
This is Pyles’ senior year of football and he has high hopes for JM to make it to playoffs this season. He’s been playing for nine years.
Some players will usually like the coaching staff based off of the way they treat the team as a whole. “ I like Coach Rob because he treats us like a family,” said Pyles.
For JM being a smaller school, some players are going have to get used to being all over the place. They might not get to play the position that they think might be best.
Christian plays more than one position this year. “ I play offensive guard and defensive tackle,” said Pyles.
There’s always a little advice to give to an upcoming Freshman. “Be respectful, be able to play any and every position, and never give up on hope,” said Pyles.
Dennis Garrett, is a Senior and a second year Journalism student.
Garrett is apart of the Drama Club and he's also an editor for the Rocket Reporter....