Jared Murray – Athlete Biography
Jared Murray is a senior and a member of the varsity basketball team.
This is Murray’s fourth year playing for the high school team and he takes on the position of power forward. Although Murray is a skilled player, he still has a lot to learn from both the coaches and his teammates.
“If I had to pick my biggest strength it would defiantly be my three point shooting ability, I work on nailing these a lot,” said Murray. “I am a very confident shooter which helps me make them and not sike myself out,” added Murray.
Although Murray looks forward to each and every game, the game he looks forward to most is his senior night game against the West Greene Pioneers.
“Being a senior is a weird feeling because every game that I play I know deep down is a game closer to the end of my high school career,” said Murray. “I’m looking forward to being able to make my mom and dad proud at my senior night after we walk across the court together.”
Although senior night might mean Murray is closing one door in his basketball career, it does not mean the end in his heart. Murray plans to continue his basketball career after high school.
“As a kid I always looked up to Kobe Bryant, I wanted to be like him and so I used to pretend to be just like Kobe and that is what sparked my love for the sport,” Murray said. “Now, I could never see me quitting basketball,” added Murray.
Game day is the best day in Murray’s eyes, waking up for school is not just waking up for school anymore, it is time to show off his skills. To Murray a game means a lot, it is where you show off all the skills you’ve been working towards in front of all your friends and family. After the long hours of practice, running, and becoming closer with his team mates he can finally show off everything he’s got.
“Every time we have a game it’s like the air in the school is better,” said Murray. “All my teammates are happy and everyone is telling us good luck and asking questions. I always give my best in every game and hope I can provide a good show for my friends and family. Also while kicking butt and winning games,” added Murray.
Murray looks forward to playing out his last games with his best friends. Although he’s sad to see some of his best friends finish their last season alongside him, he is excited to start on his college basketball future.

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...