Apple Controversy
Lately, it has been a controversy whether or not companies like Apple should be forced to unlock personal cell phones in order for the government to check for information that could serve as a threat to the world. This sort of information can range anywhere from personal information, knowledge about terrorist attacks, or anything that could affect public safety.
I believe that the government should have the right to access any information they choose if they feel that it is necessary. Yes, people do have the right to speak as they want and have their devices personal but the world is a very dangerous place in this generation. There are several terrorist attacks and disasters worldwide way too often. When it comes to these situations, the government needs all the information they can get in order to get to the bottom of it. The world is no longer a safe place and we need to do anything we can in order to keep our country and our world safe. The government should be able to view anything they need to in order to protect the world from danger.
I think that Apple should have to allow the government to seek needed information in emergency situations. Whether this be with any kind of app or hacking into certain devices. There are people in the world who are knowledgeable with important information which could solve many of the world’s problems, the government should be able to access this in order to keep us safe.

Kayla Ealy is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla is a member of the Foreign Language Club, the Leo Club, and the yearbook staff. She...