Adding Study Hall
If I could change something about my school, I would change the fact that there is no study hall. I believe this school would run much more smoothly with a study hall available to all students. Students need that extra time to do homework, make up missed work, and to simply study. All students should have an opportunity to do any of these or just take a breather. Students that have jobs, many advanced classes, or are slower workers than others could use this extra time, and many would find it extremely valuable. I believe teachers would see at least a small increase in students grades, too. There would not be as many missed homework assignments, and it would give athletes plenty of more time to train in the evenings. As teenagers, we try to juggle a lot more than we can handle, including tons of homework. If a study hall were introduced to the school, many students would not have to juggle homework along with many other activities.
Some students may even decide to be more involved in sports. If the school shortened each period by even 3 minutes, that is 24 minutes for students to use to their advantage. Even teachers could benefit from this little bit of extra time to catch up on grading papers or whatever else they need to do. I believe a study hall would do wonders for this school district, and I believe many of my peers would agree.

Adam Tharp is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Adam is member of student council.
Adam enjoys riding quads and dirt bikes, playing...