Lunch Time
If I could change something about my school, I would change the school’s lunch. I look forward to eating everyday, if I am not in school. It is so disappointing to walk in the cafeteria every day to find soggy chicken strips and cold french fries. Personally, I think that the school’s lunch used to be decent. In the last four years of high school I feel as though it has went downhill drastically. Sure, we have bags of chips and little snacks that we can purchase, but that is not a very pleasing lunch. I would also change the price of the lunch. Our normal lunch costs about two dollars a day. I would have no problem paying that every time if I actually got good quality food for my money. It is so unappetizing to have the same thing every other day for lunch, cold mac and cheese or cold chicken tenders. Of course there is always the option to pack your own lunch every day and bring it to school, but most people do not have time for that. If you are like me, I hardly eat the school’s lunch and I would much rather bring my own food and eat it throughout the day. It’s not that the school’s lunch is absolutely terrible, it would just be nice to have some improvement.

Kayla Ealy is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla is a member of the Foreign Language Club, the Leo Club, and the yearbook staff. She...