Don’t Have A Boring Summer
During the summer there very many things to do. As a teenager you should not be saying that you are bored during the summer; it’s one of the best times you’re going to have. Because during the school year you have nothing to do at all; you’re gonna be doing the same things over and over. But during the summer you should be living your life, and doing the things that you want to do.
There are things to do such as; go on vacations, get a job, hang out with your friends, go to the local pools, and go to concerts and or sporting events. The summer is a time for teenagers to be away from school and the things with their friends. Unluckily work is a subject for me this summer; it’s going to be a long boring summer. But the bank will be growing for me over the summer. During the summer you just need to live your life and have fun as a teenager.There are very many things to do; do not be a lazy teenager and sit at home all day and complain about having a bad summer. Because that is the way our generation is labeled; we are all labeled to be the lazy generation and not do anything with our lives. Prove the people wrong and get out there and do the things you want to do. Have fun with everything you do in the summers that you have in high school.
Whenever you grow up and graduate you won’t have any summer time. You won’t get breaks from working like you do from school. So this is the time to get out and have fun. Do not waste your Summer’s sitting inside and playing video games. Go out with your friends and enjoy the summers that you still have left. You won’t get them that much longer.
so after all of this being said; you should be able to find something to do this summer. Which should not include sitting inside playing video games. There are so many things you can do other than stay inside. If it does involve working because you will be able to enjoy all the money you will be making while working. So do what you have to do to enjoy the last few summer breaks you will have.

Dalton Fowler is a senior and a first year journalism student.
Dalton is a member and senior captain of the Jefferson-Morgan Football team. He is also...