Summertime is the Best Time
Thankfully summer is right around the corner and there are plenty of things for you to do.
One of the best things to do in the summer which is usually summer exclusive is swimming. Swimming is a great way to get a little bit of exercise while cooling off from the summer sun. Families love having outings to public pools or traveling to a friend who owns one. Pools are a great way to keep kids busy and tire them out while adults are able to socialize, but it is also nice to have the whole family involved together.
Another great thing about summer is all of the free time that is available for students. Summer is a great time for students from all grade levels to get a break from the stress of school and enjoy living for a while. Some students get involved into other things over the break. During the summer many students take up summer jobs to make some money on the side for themselves. Some work as lifeguards or work at local fairs or other odd jobs available in the summer. It not only teaches them a little bit of responsibility but it makes them their own money to spend over the summer.
While there are many things to do around the house during the summer, it is also good to get out of the house and do something exciting. There are many places and amusements parks that are exciting for all ages. Amusement parks such as Hershey or Kennywood, even Cedar Point are great places to take the whole family to have fun riding roller coasters. There are many interesting places to travel to have fun like up in Ohio Pile or Coopers Rock. These places provide a new and exciting environment and show off some of the most beautiful things that nature has to offer.
There are many things to do over summer break and obviously every person has a different preference. All that matters is that school is out and students of all ages will be celebrating in their own individual way.

Braylee Pierce is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She is a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Rocket Band. She is an active member in the...