Most Harmful Emotion
Jealousy is probably the most dangerous emotion a person can have. Jealousy comes in all different ways and is so harmful. If you envy someone it can make you do terrible things. When you are jealous it is almost like you lose all sense of reality. Once you get to a point, you do anything to get back who, or what made you jealous.
Being jealous of someone sends a spike of rage through your body. Whether it be being jealous of their appearance, of what they have, or etc You do what you need to do to make yourself feel better. Usually that turns into something bad. You might start to bully someone, or take their things, even fight them for what they have. It could even go as far as making sure that person, or things life is terrible just to make yourself feel better. You almost feel as if they are harming you, so to get back at them you hurt them. Even if the said thing isn’t trying to make you jealous you retaliate.
Jealousy can make people do crazy things. Being jealous or envying someone can ruin so many relationships. For the sake of friend, family, and important people in life you should always talk things out.

Ayanna Davis is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Ayanna Davis is a member of Little Zion Baptist Church. She runs track and plays basketball.