Connecting With The School
Jefferson-Morgan should open Wi-Fi for the students and faculty to use. There are many schools that have the Wi-Fi available for students to use because it is very beneficial for them, and Jefferson should be one of them.
Many teachers will say to look something up real quick or get on the internet to do something related to school, and this is causing the students to use their data. Most students only get a limited amount of data for the month, so they should open a Wi-Fi for students to use so that they do not have to use up all of their data. Plus, the school allows students to be on their phones at certain points during the day and having Wi-Fi would let the students be on the internet without wasting their data. Teachers could also benefit from this. Many teachers need data to access accounts on their phones, so they could use the Wi-Fi as well. It should not be opened to the public, though. If everyone that came to Jefferson accessed the Wi-Fi, it would most likely not work properly do to all of the people on it. Also, the Wi-Fi should only be turned on during school hours and at school events.
Having Wi-Fi at Jefferson-Morgan would be a huge benefit for students and faculty. It would be another factor that could make the school better and more updated.

Carrington Teasdale is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Carrington is a member of the Student Council and Academic Team. She is also...