We Would Like WiFi
Jefferson-Morgan should open the WiFi for student use. The WiFi for this school could help the students study or they need it to send an email to a teacher with their phone. It may also cause problems.
Adding WiFi to the students hands can be a good thing and a bad thing. With internet the students will never use it for it’s intended use. It will be used for social media and other things the students use in their everyday lives. They can block some sights like they did for the computers but the students will always find a way around it. Adding the WiFi may make the internet for the computers a lot slower because the more people you have connected will slow it down, and the internet is already slow enough. Students already have enough of the internet on a daily basis, some are always on the internet. It might add more stress on some because of the constant social media. The money may be a problem, the cost might be too much for the school to afford after they just put in new windows and air conditioners.
The students at Jefferson-Morgan would like to have the WiFi but it may be more of a hassle than it should. The computers are enough as it is. When they get a little taste of something they will always want more.

Blaine Cunningham is a freshmen and a first year Journalism student.
Blaine enjoys going camping and fishing, and he loves to travel with his family...