Wi-Fi for Students?
Jefferson-Morgan should open Wi-Fi for the student body to use. They should give the students the password for the wifi. Also, they should open it because students are always on their phones during school and there is not good service here. If there is an emergency at school and a student does not have service to call a parent or a guardian, there could be a problem.
Another reason that Jefferson-Morgan should open Wi-Fi for students is because a teacher may want a student to look something up on the internet and if they do not have service to look something up, they will not be able to look it up. Also, if something happens at school and the teachers need to communicate about something and they do not have service, they will not be able to communicate with each other. Jefferson-Morgan should not open the Wi-Fi for the public. They should not open the Wi-Fi for the public because there will be a ton of people hanging outside of the school just to use the wifi. Also, if they open it to the public, there will be a lot more people using it. That means that the Wi-Fi bill will be a lot of money that the school will have to pay.
The Wi-Fi should be open for students only at Jefferson-Morgan. It would make things a lot easier, especially if students do not have any service where they are at.

Jadon O’Neal is a freshman and first year Journalism student
Jadon is a member of the football and basketball teams.
Jadon likes to play sports,...