Wi-Fi Should be Open
Should the Wi-Fi at Jefferson-Morgan be open to the student body?
Most of the student’s at Jefferson-Morgan feels that the Wi-Fi should be open to use. If someone goes over and has to send stuff off of their phone for a project this would be a big help. If a student lives way out and has horrible internet speed that their classwork would not send. If you had to bring your own laptop to school to get a project to send your work to teachers if you had been sick. The Wi-Fi should be open to the student body to help them get work done. There would have to be restrictions on what the students go online to see. Not everything that a student does needs to be blocked. If the students are getting older should they start getting more trust? The students have been in school for most of their lives so why can they not get more freedom. Not everything needs to be blocked from the students. If the students had the access to the internet they would not need a computer to finish their work. If a student is in a class with no laptops and had no class work to do they could use their phone to finish the work for another teacher. Most of the work that high school students get is work on the laptops.
These are the reasons that the Wi-Fi should be open to the student body. It would help get the information from the computer to the student’s phone. This would also make it easier for them to get their work done for teachers sooner that it would just working on it in class.

Cameron Celaschi is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Cameron does not have any clubs or activates.
Cameron like to hunt, fish, and ride...