Hannah Agnew named Clarksville Lions Club October Student of the Month

(Photo Credit Kim Novak)
Hannah Agnew, daughter of Melany and Major Randy Agnew of Jefferson, is Clarksville Lions Club October Student of the Month. Hannah maintains a 4.45 GPA.
Hannah is captain of the cheerleading squad, a member of Leo Club, vice president of Foreign Language Club and secretary of National Honor Society.
Agnew rings bells for the Salvation Army and volunteers at the Greene County Humane Society. She is a member of Triumphant Fellowship Church in McClellandtown.
She is the recipient of the Robert E. Titus Scholarship Award and the American Legion Essay Contest. She is also a member of the Penn State 4.0 Club.
In the fall, Hannah intends to pursue a degree in biochemistry as a Pre-Med student.

Janessa Willis is a senior and a fourth year Journalism student.
Janessa Willis participates in cheerleading. Her other activities include Drama Club...