Zoey Stull Named Jefferson-Morgan Centennial Lions Club March Student of the Month
Jefferson Morgan Centennial Lion Club has selected Zoey Stull as its student of the month for March.
Daughter of Mona S. Lemley-Stull of Clarksville, Stull is a senior at Jefferson Morgan High School where she maintains a 3.0 GPA.
Stull is a member of JROTC where she holds the rank of Cadet Major. Her awards include Daughters of 1812 Medal for Patriotism and American Legion Auxiliary Medal for Americanism. Stull was recently the top Cadet in her LET level. She also is an active participant in 3-4 teams in the JROTC. She is going to be the first JM Cadet to graduate with all four years of the program.
Stull helps her community by completing roadside clean up, and she has also helped with flag placement for Leo club. She has over one hundred hours of service hours.

Maci Marion is a junior and a third year journalism student.
She participates in golf and serves as Editor-in-Chief for the Rocket Reporter. She is...