Self-Driving Cars Coming To Uber Soon

Uber in Pittsburgh will be able to summon rides in self-driving cars with the touch of a smartphone button in the next several weeks. The high-tech ride company said Thursday that a number of Ford Fusions with human backup drivers will pick up passengers just like normal Uber vehicles. Riders will have the option to choose if they want a self-driving car, and rides will be free to those willing to do it, Matt Kallman said. Uber, has a self-driving research lab in Pittsburgh, has no immediate plans to let the self-driving cars go beyond the Pittsburgh experiment.
“When there’s no other dude in the car, the cost of taking an Uber anywhere becomes cheaper than owning a vehicle. So the magic there is, you basically bring the cost below the cost of ownership for everybody, and then car ownership goes away,” Said Kalanick, at the Code Conference in 2014. After Google mentioned their self-driving car prototype.
The San Francisco Company announced a $300 million deal for Volvo to provide SUVs to Uber for the vehicle research. Eventually the Volvo SUVs will be part of the self-driving fleet in Pittsburgh. Volvo will develop base vehicles for research and both companies will develop self-driving vehicles on their own. Uber also announced that it is acquiring a self-driving startup called Otto that has developed technology allowing big rigs to drive themselves.
Self-driving cars are not yet ready for the masses. Hurdles include software that is not yet good enough for public rollout, safety concerns raised by state and federal regulators, and uncertainty over society’s readiness to trust robot drivers. But the race is on because large tech and auto companies suggest that they could start selling self-driving cars in three to five years. Uber, however, isn’t alone in the race for self-driving vehicles. It’s not even a leader. The company’s primary U.S. competitor, Lyft, received a $500 million investment from GM earlier this year. Those two companies said they plan to put self-driving vehicles into Lyft, on a small scale sometime in the next year. GM also bought itself some self-driving expertise in March from the company called Cruise Automation.
This week, Ford Motor Co. announced that it intends to have a self-driving vehicle on the road by 2021. They said this car will not have a steering wheel or pedals and will be rolled out for commercial ride-hailing services, not directly to consumers. But, Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. is even further ahead in pursuing driverless cars that offer passengers little control beyond an emergency stop button. Google began testing its fleet of prototype self-driving cars on public roads in 2009.

Morgan Spencer is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Morgan works her life away and is a full time student. She loves animals and school....