Life of Pi an Inspiring Novel
In AP English we read The Life of Pi by Yann Martel and it was a truly inspiring novel. The way Yann Martel described the events in the book really made me feel like I was there standing over everyone looking down at everything that was going on. The imagery and figurative language Martel uses throughout the book is so powerful and just all together amazing. This novel was inspirational because of some of the lessons and themes throughout the story. The main characters name is Piscine Molitor Patel, or Pi for short. Pi has a good life and his father owns a zoo, he gets to watch the animals interact in the mornings and late afternoons. One night Pi’s dad sits the whole family down, pi, his brother Ravi, and their mom of course. This sit down is about how they are moving to Canada and when. This is a hard move for the family. The tragedy that happens as they are moving is the cargo ship they are aboard has begun to sink. Pi does not really know tis till he gets tossed overboard by two of the ship’s crew onto a life boat. The life boat floated away, Pi did not know why they had done this until he says the hyena in the boat with him, he had though it was a tiger, the tiger, Richard Parker. There was a zebra aboard also, with a badly broken leg. Before Pi realized any animals were aboard, he had tried to save somebody, but realized it was Richard parker and immediately jumped overboard. As time went by Pi and Richard had started to become closer and also started to build a friendship but also a trainer type real ship. This novel was inspirational because it showed the possibly of having a bond between animals and humans. How we can all coexist in the same place.

Morgan Spencer is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Morgan works her life away and is a full time student. She loves animals and school....