Celebrity Lives: Public or Private?

Should celebrities’ personal lives be off limits or reported to the public?
Everyone has a personal life with their very own secrets, and people who live normal everyday lives do not have to share their information with the public. Everyone, including famous people, should be allowed to have a personal life that nobody has to know about.
Say you are walking down the street on a normal Tuesday afternoon and see a magazine that talks about how Donald Trumps’ locker room talk is not going over well in Hollywood, or one that mentions Kim Kardashian getting robbed in Paris. The paparazzi believes it is harmless but they do not think about how they are harming the celebrity or their loved ones.
The lives of celebrities should be off limits for the public so celebrities can have some privacy. This would take a little extra pressure off of them for the sake of their children.
We have that time where we just want to get away from the world and hide but unfortunately famous people do not get that chance. They cannot even go on a vacation and relax without having paparazzi in their business every second.
Famous people should be able to have the same opportunity to a private life just like the rest of us get to have.

Morgan Spencer is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Morgan works her life away and is a full time student. She loves animals and school....