Trick or Treating

Trick or treating as kids was one of the best times of the year.
When we were little Halloween was the day you got to dress up and go get candy. If you were lucky, elementary school had a parade and a party. Those were the best days.
Halloween fun wears off around sixth grade and sometimes you never like it again. I cannot speak for everyone, but i love to dress up and get candy. If you are not up for trick or treating, you can hand out candy, or go to a Halloween party. There are also, haunted houses around here that are plenty scary and fairly cheap.
As we get into our 20’s and 30’s, etc. and we have kids, that is when Halloween becomes fun again. Seeing your little one dressed up and get to have a good time with your child or children.
So what i am trying to say is go out and have a good time before it just is not fun anymore, go enjoy life and of course Halloween.

Morgan Spencer is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Morgan works her life away and is a full time student. She loves animals and school....