Big Brothers Big Sisters
Big Brothers Big Sisters is a program that allows either a junior or senior (Big) to be matched with an elementary student (Little) for an opportunity to make a lifelong friend. This program is all about being supportive to a younger student. The Big’s provide guidance in their lives and keep them in a positive state of mind. Every week during the school year they meet for an hour to participate in activities together and just enjoy each others company. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a great experience because high school students gain valuable experience with helping children and the elementary students receive a mentor to help them be successful. The program provides opportunities children may not receive outside of school. It’s a learning experience for both bigs and littles and a friend that will never be forgotten.
Shanyce Hewitt is a junior and a second year Journalism student
Shanyce babysits in her free time.
Shanyce likes to draw, go camping, listen to music,...