Have you taken your SAT’s?

Juniors and seniors if you have not take the SAT’s, well you should take them as soon as you can. Even though a lot of colleges are going test optional you should still take them and send your scores. It could put you ahead of other students applying to that same college. If you never have taken the SAT’s and are nervous, College Board has a PSAT that you could take and it is a practice SAT.
“I did take them and I do think they helped. The PSAT is free for students, if they take them at school, but I do not think they are waste of money for the school,” said Frank. As you can see Emma Frank has taken both test and she thinks that taking the PSAT’s are helpful. You can also benefit from taking the SAT test, because it is good practice and it will show what subjects you need to work on.
If some of you seniors or juniors have already taken the test but do not like the outcome of your scores, just try again. If some of the students are thinking about not sending your scores and writing a letter instead, why not do both and increase your chances. With your test scores, you may qualify for scholarship money and not even know because you didn’t send the scores or take the test. I strongly just recommend taking them and the PSAT’s to help you out.
“I have the SAT prep book that College Board made, and I think it helped me. I recommend using the book,” Emma said. If you do not want to but the book because you think it is a waste of your money, Kahn Academy is a great website to help you study for the test. Other study methods you can use are; the library has books you can use, they are websites out there, ask your teachers for papers or review worksheets, print something out online, they are so many options out there.
Students go to www.collegeboard.com and sign up for the SAT’s it is $54.00 and the next date is December 3rd, 2016 and sign up by November 3rd, 2016 so there is no late fee.

Morgan Spencer is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Morgan works her life away and is a full time student. She loves animals and school....