Mexico Stealing from the U.S. for Payback?

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Mexican Media company stealing from Pittsburgh?
The OEM, the largest newspaper company in Mexico, has recently apologized after one of their former employees was the one identified as the suspect in the theft of Tom Brady’s Super Bowl LI jersey.
“We are surprised and disappointed to receive today the allegations of the behavior of Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos on February 5 inside the NRG stadium in Houston, where Super Bowl LI was played,” said the statement, which PFT has translated. “La Prensa, if the accusation is true, fully condemns the behavior of Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos, who took advantage of his position and used La Prensa to access the field, press conferences and other areas of NRG Stadium.”(NBC sports).
“I think it is very rude and irresponsible for them to steal a jersey,” said Tyler Woolen a sophomore at Jefferson-Morgan.
“Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos, resigned from the newspaper La Prensa on March 14 for personal reasons,”(NBC).
“It is just a good thing that the company has come forward with the information,” said senior Michael Pochron.
Hopefully the appropriate actions have been taken against the gentlemen.

Morgan Spencer is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Morgan works her life away and is a full time student. She loves animals and school....