A program for making friends

BBBS or Big brothers Big sisters is a program that pairs high school students with elementary students with the purpose of providing a role model and a buddy for the matched students. High school students are called “bigs” and elementary students are called “littles”.
Students in 9th -12th grade are welcome to join. They just had a meeting for new members to join and experience something new through the school.
“You’re interviewed about your personality and your hobbies. After your interview they match you with a child similar to you. You wait for the coordinator to call to tell you if they found a match, and then you start meeting with your ‘little’,” said Savannah Saesan, a big sister.
The students are not chosen randomly, they are students who need a buddy or someone to talk to because of what be going on at home. “Sometimes they have activities already set out for us to do. Or other times we hangout and play games,” said Saesan.
Meetings are held weekly. Additionally, match support meetings are held. During match support, “bigs” write down what has been happening between student pairs. “We take note if they discuss things the school needs to be aware of and if we are getting along or not,” said Saesan.
Students wishing to become a Big Brother or Big Sister should see Mrs. Herold.

Morgan Spencer is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Morgan works her life away and is a full time student. She loves animals and school....