Anthony Patterson – Athlete Biography
Anthony Patterson is a senior left guard on the football team.
“Over the past couple of months I have been training to get in the best shape possible and by doing this I can accomplish so much this season,” said Anthony. He has put tremendous effort and time into his ability to become a better athlete. He also intends to help his teammates reach their goals and to help them throughout the entire season.
In addition to playing for Jefferson, Anthony also participates on the wrestling team. He is a 195 pounder and is an extreme competitor for this weight class. He finds himself competing against the best in his section.
“My goals for both sports are to be in the best shape possible and to help my team succeed,” said Patterson. Anthony loves his teammates and coaches because they are the ones who help him become a better athlete.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
Michael Metz loves playing...