JM Money Drive Ending Soon!
Turn your money in fast! The Jefferson Morgan Money Drive will be ending on Friday, March 1st.
The JM Money Drive is being held to help benefit the school’s Backpack Program. The Backpack Program provides children who don’t have enough to eat with easy, nutritious meals. The goal of the Money Drive is for each homeroom to collect $75. The money will then be used to get food to provide for the Backpack Program. Which ever homeroom collects the most money will receive a pizza party! There will be a high school and middle school winner.
“It is a difficult thing to know that some of your students will be hungry over the weekend. It is just nice to know that we have people in the school to help support this cause,” said Leo Club Adviser Mrs. Huba.

Madelyn Reeves is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Reeves serves as a contributor for the Rocket Reporter. She has been a three sport...