Busy Time For the Art Club

The Art Club is preparing for the Art Show that will be coming up. The date of the Art Show will be May 3, 2016. That is only a few weeks away and the Art Club still has a lot to do. Money that is raised will be put towards future supplies that are needed.
With getting stuff ready for the show, the Art Club still has many other assignments that need to be done. The Art Club along with Art 2 is working on canvases for the seniors at Rolling Meadows Care Home. The paintings are of the person’s interests. Mr. Lesko has got questions together so the students have an idea of what they would like.
“I am excited for the Art Show. There is still a lot to do, but I enjoy every little bit of it,” Carly Riggi said.
The Art club went on a trip this past week to Douglas Education Center for an open house to tour the school. The students went for the Savini Program. The Savini program does with special effects and different arts for careers in the future. The trip to Douglas was a success and the members of the Art Club learned a lot.
“The trip to Douglas Education Center was a blast. The type of career that students go for is not really something I would do, but it is fun to explore new careers out there,” Kolby Kendall said.
The Art club is very busy in the month of April with everything going on. The Art show is on every members mind and they need to stay focused on it while doing other activities. They are a group artistic students and it should be a good turn out when the Art Show comes in May.

Kolby Kendall is a senior and a second year journalism student.
Kolby enjoys motocross, wakeboarding, and skiing. He also enjoys hunting, fishing, and...