What are You Thankful for?

Personally, I am thankful for mostly of everything in my life including both the highs and the lows. Mainly though I am thankful for the basic things, life, my family, liberty and the Earth that we walk on. I am thankful for my parents for giving life to me and taking care of me my whole life. Without them I would not be sure where I would currently be in this world. I am also thankful for the current medicine we have today that that severely increases the overall life expectancy. What would have been a simple cough could have lead into Bronchitis and then into Pneumonia which then would have killed a person; now we can stop this whole process by having a injection or taking two pills a day.


I am also extremely thankful for my liberties and the blessing that it is to born in The United States of America. Without these freedoms it would nearly be impossible to have a successful and modern society. Another point I am thankful for is the controversial one, It’s all of the mishaps and problems within life itself.  Without these problems in your life, there would not be anything to solve or enjoy fixing but rather a perfect utopia. Life would be highly boring, one dimensional and generally uninteresting.


In retrospect I am thankful for mostly everything in my life due to the unique role that everything serves to keep this world moving and well, that’s plenty for me.