Seniors Continue to Apply for Scholarships
With the end of the school year coming fast, seniors are scrambling to complete scholarships.
This week, Mrs. Herold emailed out many new scholarships, three of which only pertain to Jefferson-Morgan students only.
The Donna Furnier Memorial Scholarship is due to Mrs. Herold by April 24th. The Terri Ann Samek Jaiyeola Memorial Schoalrship is due May 3rd also to Mrs. Herold. The Big Steve Scholarship should be mailed to Trustees of the Steve Yourchik Scholarship Fund by May 4th.
All of the scholarship information is available to seniors in their emails. Any further questions can be answered by Mrs. Herold in the guidance office.
Makenzie Wright is a senior and a second year Journalism student, serving as an editor-in-chief.
Makenzie is a participant in both volleyball and basketball....