Dangerous Emotion

Shae Bedilion

More stories from Shae Bedilion

Summer Activity
June 20, 2016

Love is the most dangerous emotion that has ever come to exist. “Love” is not just one emotion in itself, for it can bring anger, sadness, guilt, or even an overly happy feeling to anybody who experiences it; almost like playing Russian roulette, love can be a pleasant emotion to fall back on one day, or the ultimate downfall of a person’s life the next.

Love, in itself, is also an emotion that should be cautioned, not just the byproduct emotions that it can possibly bring. People can assume that they are experiencing “true love,” when in reality, they could just be blinded by their own assumptions for better or for worse. Love can create a bond so strong that, when broken, leaves a permanent scar, for nobody expected it to “happen to them” – the other blind assumption that is “being together forever.” It is possible to break glass then arrange every little fragment back into place, but regardless, there will always be cracks. Love is, in fact, very fragile like glass, and will leave permanent, hidden scars.

If love, or its byproducts, are not the so-called “dangerous” parts of the emotion, then the temptation of experiencing the emotion itself can be. Some people will try to go out of their ways to search for “true love,” only to never find it or wander off of their life paths just to get a taste of it. Love is attractive, yet toxic – feeling the one emotion that is considered “the best there is” is enough to lure any curious person off of their ambitious paths.

Overall, love can be a tempting seductress that can leave the nastiest scars. Even if somebody does not go out of their ways to search for it, it can very well find them when least expected.