Out of Control
The most dangerous emotion is jealousy. Jealousy can lead to many other negative emotions as well. Girls who get jealous can lead to many downfalls in multiple relationships. Jealously can make people angry which then can make all of the relationships with that person can be harmed. Jealously can also lead to the idea of being not trustworthy. This can make people not trust others as easily. Being jealous can drops someone’s self-esteem and cause sadness and in some cases even depression. They do not call envy the green monster for no reason after all.
Another bad emotion is happiness; although that sounds contradicting since happiness is a positive emotion it very well can be negative. If someone is happy all the time they force themselves to believe nothing bad is going on in this world. This is a very wrong conclusion. Also if someone is happy all the time when they hit a rough patch in their life how hard is it going to be for them to come back out? Yes happiness is a beautiful thing no doubt but to be overly happy and refuses to believe the reality of life is a whole other story.
Someone who is unemotional is a horrible thing as well. If someone emotionally shuts themselves off from people because a traumatizing event it can ruin that person’s life. It destroys all relationships that person has because who wants to be around someone who just does not care about anything? People want to be around someone who can be happy for them, sympathize with them, and most of all bond with them. This cannot happen though if someone is emotionally shut down. Life is going to have some great ups and downs because if it did not it would flat line and you would be dead.

Savannah Saesan is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Savannah participates in volleyball, and basketball. She also volunteers at her church...