The Lovely JM Learning Commons


(Photo Credit via Patrick Mullen)

The learning commons is a great place in our school for students to spend time in to catch up on work or missing assignments. There are many great things but also a few bad things concerning the LC. Let’s first talk about the great things this room provides, shall we?

First and foremost, the learning commons gives students who have study hall, a quiet place to collect their ideas and study for anything upcoming they will have. There are also some old books still down there from when the library was there. This comes in handy for those handful of students who actually use books rather than using Google. The old fashion way of using books is better but students use the internet for easier and faster results. Anyway, there’s tons of books, a cart of laptops for everyone to use, and several tables to work at. This is a very ideal environment for those who aren’t in an actual class.

Here’s the crack in the floor though. There are people getting away with not using their time wisely in the learning commons by either sleeping or skipping class by going to the learning commons. There’s many students who do this and there are disciplines for this. If you are given such a free opportunity to quietly go study or finish any work, take advantage of it. It’s the easiest thing you’ll be given. Mr. Loring made it clear that no one is to be sleeping or just lounging around in the LC. It is meant for students to be working in.