Athlete Biography – Nick Gustovitch

Nick Gustivitch is a senior and a member of the boys’ varsity basketball team. He plays the role of a guard and a one-time letterman during his junior year. So far this year his team has made a special impact to him this far and hope for more to come in the future.

“The best memory so far this year would have to be all five of the seniors starting this year. There is nothing greater than having all my boys together to get it done together this season to finish off our last one strong.”

Like most athletes, they normally have a professional player they look up to and Rondo happens to be Nicks’ favorite person to look up too. He is triple double and the greatest point guard in the game. Unfortunately Nick does not plan to continue on after high school with basketball but this will be his last season with his boys. But like any other student Nick enjoys home games better traveling away for home games.

“I prefer home games because it’s always a great feeling having your family, friends, and students come out to cheer you on. We have the greatest fans in the game and always have that JM pride wherever we go. Reece and I are captains, so we are the leaders and know the most things.”

All in all Nick enjoys playing basketball with his boys, They are more than a team but brothers. He enjoys playing but enjoys winning a game just as much as going out onto that court to make plays. Monessen has been there toughest opponent but plans to tackle them to the end. Good luck for the rest of the season to the boys varsity basketball team.