Christian Wilson – Athlete Biography
Christian Wilson is a senior who participates in the high jump for track.
This year is Christian Wilson first year participating in track. He participates in the high jump for track. There are many ways to prepare for an event and in Christians opinion,” I stretch, run, and just get ready”. It always a good thing to have student prepare for an upcoming event to get the body moving and flowing.
Giving underclassmen advice can always help them improve better. Christian’s advice he would give to underclassmen is,” To try hard, do things you like, try new things and achieve goals.” Every student who participates in track or any sport has some kind of goal they want to complete whether it is to letter, or even improve on their running skill.

Hayley Palone is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Hayley likes to play Xbox, spend time with friends, fish, and she is always up to do...