Kayla Yorko – Athlete Biography

    Krista McCartney

    More stories from Krista McCartney

    Kayla Yorko is a senior, and is a player for the Jefferson Morgan girls basketball team

    Yorko has been playing since second grade. Yorko can play anywhere but she specializes in shooting guard.

    “It is always hyped when we play Carmichaels but playing California is my favorite. The games are always so intense and I love that atmosphere,” said Yorko.

    Yorko’s challenges in basketball are herself because no one puts as much challenge on her than herself. Yorko pushes her self-harder than can take, and she knows that she is her biggest challenge.

    Yorko said, her favorite thing about basketball is “the adrenaline rush I have during games.” She also enjoys  playing as part  of the team.

    Yorko chooses to play basketball because it had always been an outlet for her and she loves the feeling of playing.

    “Beating Carmichael’s freshman year to take their section title away, ” said Yorko.

    Yorko’s best performance last season was playing California, had 18 points and helped her team have the best game possible.

    “My goals this season are to win sections and go into playoff, and hit my 1000th points for my career,”said Yorko.