Zachary Shaffer – Athlete Biography

    More stories from Silvia Metz

    Zachary Shaffer is a senior, pitcher, and first baseman for the Jefferson-Morgan baseball team. 

    Shaffer’s says his favorite baseball memory was, “When I hit my homerun at Clay Battelle”.

    This is Shaffer’s 4th year playing baseball for the Jefferson Morgan team.

    Shaffer  said he looks forward to “Gatorade, Big League Chew and warmer weather for this baseball season.”

    Shaffer says, “My greatest influence is my father.” Shaffer has a goal this season and that is to make it to the playoffs.

    Shaffer does not plan on playing baseball after he graduates because he has other plans.

    Shaffer’s said, “I do not get nervous during big games”

    Shaffer gets ready for baseball the season by lifting and running.