Makenzie Wright – Athlete Biography

    Julie Kline

    More stories from Julie Kline

    Makenzie Wright is a sophomore and a member of the volleyball team.

    Wright has been playing volleyball for four years and is a hitter. Over the summer, she played in a summer league in Washington.

    “Trying to manage going to school, going to games or practices, and having a social life at the same time can be very difficult,” said Wright.

    There are many difficult, yet rewarding aspects to volleyball. It takes a lot to handle school and sports. Going to school, having practice, and homework is a challenge all high school athletes understand too well.

    Although there are some difficult parts, there are also very rewarding parts “It is very rewarding to win, especially against Carmichaels,” said Wright.

    While playing volleyball Wright has made a lot of good memories. Although volleyball can be tough, it can also be very fun. She has been able to play with her friends, which helps make good memories.

    The team hopes to make it to sections. Wright would love to be able to make it to section with her teammates.