David Blaker – Athlete Biography

David Blaker is a junior and an outfielder for the Jefferson Morgan Baseball Team.

Baseball is a great sport that produces many memories. David has been playing baseball for 10 years of his whole life. He said that his most memorable moment playing baseball was, “Playing Western Beaver in the playoffs my freshman year.”

Baseball is a difficult sport that requires many hours of batting practice and even many hours of catching and throwing. Need to be in good shape to be able to make the athletic plays needed to win. Such as running someone down for an out or even chasing a pop fly down.

Many players have certain rituals as they prepare for a game whether big or small. David says that, “My ritual is would be that I beat my bat before every game.” David seems to have a good pregame ritual.

We all are rooting for the whole Jefferson Baseball Team and for them to have a great season, and to get those W’s.