Christmas Tree- Real or Artificial

During the holidays people often debate on getting a real or fake Christmas tree. There are pros and cons to getting both real and artificial trees.  The pros of buying a real tree would be that a person would be benefiting their local farmers in purchasing their products. When the end of the season comes people can also use the tree towards an environment friendly purpose and help out the ecosystem. There is also the fresh scent that comes with the trees that can’t be bought. A person can also make it a tradition to pick out a tree with their family. There are also cons associated with purchasing a real tree. A con with this would be that they are usually grown with pesticides and other dangerous chemicals that can be toxic to people and the environment around them. The pros of an artificial tree would be that they are cheap and reusable. A person can easily save time and money by just using the same tree each year for Christmas. Artificial trees often are viewed as looking real and can actually often be mistaken for the real thing by family members or friends. The cons of purchasing an artificial tree would also be that it can release toxic chemicals to the environment just like the real trees often release. Artificial trees often admit PVC, contain lead, and people are often warned to wash their hands after putting the Christmas tree up.  The cons and pros between the trees are pretty equal. It would have to depend on which tree a person believes would benefit them.