New semester: New changes

There are both positives and negatives to the changes in the semester. With a new semester comes a new and fresh start. One positive to the semester changing is a brand new start. Although the grades that were made in the previous semester still stand, they do not affect the grades of this new nine weeks. If you were not doing too well in a class or two in the previous grading period, this is another chance to do better. Many students have the problem of starting out the semester with a bad grade and then struggling to bring it up. This is good for those students because, if they still have that specific class, they can have another chance to do well. Also, if there was a class that was especially challenging to the student, if the class was just a semester long, they no longer need to take that class. This would benefit them greatly. Instead of them having to take that class, they can take another class that is easier for them, which would give them a better grade point average. Although there are many positive effects to the semester changing, there are still negatives to this time of change. One negative to the semester changing is that you may no longer have a class that you enjoy. Some classes are especially easy and you may enjoy that class more than others. If that class is just a semester long, then you will no longer have that class. You may instead end up taking a class in which you do not as much enjoy. This is a common negative to students when it comes to the semester changing.