Media that Influences today’s Youth

The most influential media for today’s teens would more than likely be the popular social media site Twitter. Twitter is a social media used widely by a variety of people, but it seems to be taken over by teens. It may seem like it is just kids tweeting and retweeting silly things, but we often take notice to the news that is on there. Often when big news happens, it begins “trending” on Twitter, and a lot of teens will take notice to the issue. Since a lot of teens do not watch the news, it seems this is how they receive their information on what is happening around them. Although this social media outlet may seem like just a way to waste time, it often opens kids eyes to big events or problems happening in our country and around the world. For instance, if kids see a tragic news story a lot of them will come together and tweet about it using the same hashtag to raise awareness. It may seem silly but twitter really is helpful in relaying news to the youth. So sometimes we are really not just wasting time on social media.