Pedicord Thankful

In this day in age people have many things to be thankful for, though in all honesty, people don’t realize they’re living a better life than others.

There are people out in the world that don’t have families or struggle to put food on the table everyday, so they are more thankful for the small things. These are the little things in life that we completely ignore and abuse. We don’t take time to appreciate the small things in life that we probably wouldn’t have if our lives were different. Everyone does it, not taking notice of the little things, but we don’t catch ourselves doing it. Thanksgiving gives us the time to think about what we are thankful for. If you get a Christmas present that you don’t like, don’t tell them you don’t like it, just be thankful they actually thought about you while they were shopping. If your mom or dad can’t get you what you want because they have to buy groceries, don’t be upset, be thankful that they are more focused on your health than your wants at the moment.