Christmas List

This year for Christmas I asked for the normal stuff I would normally ask for, clothes and video games. Video games are booming this holiday, and many great games are coming out. Grand Theft Auto 5, Far Cry 4, The Crew, The Evil Within, Dragon Age Inquisition, and all the new sports games are a few games coming out. Also, the headset Astro A40 headset is on my list. Astros are one of the best gaming headsets and are extremely expensive; all the things that go into the headset bring the total of the headset up to about 280 dollars. Also, I asked for a 2 terabyte hard drive for my Xbox One because games take a lot of memory to download, and I am already out of memory on it.  Last, I asked for many clothes that I wanted ordered online; things that are my style such as skinny jeans, graphic t-shirts, sweaters, and pocket shirts. These are all the things I really wanted this holiday, I’m already excited for next Christmas.