Johnson Thankful

People take everything for gran-it now days with wanting to have everything that comes out in the world that they just can’t wait to get there hands on something. Being thankful for what you have such as the people in your life or simply having a home is such a big deal. If you look at the way some people act around us, they only complain about what they don’t have or something they can’t get. Taking the time to appreciate what you already have and the people around you is greater than looking at the negatives of something you might not be able to have such as a new cell phone, concert tickets, or money. The world is a horrible place to live in with families going through such a hard time that not everyone is lucky to be living the good life. Family members are struggling with work, money, food or even being able to take care of there children. Be thankful for what you already have and people that are lucky to be part of your life. Taking the time to look around and see what you have and clothes is more than someone that’s struggling and has nothing. Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family to appreciate being thankful but instead of taking one day to realize that one day, take the time to be thankful everyday.