Change in Semester, Change in Attitude

As students we need to take a variety of electives, and several of the electives are semester classes. That means at the end of the semester we will transfer over into a new class. A positive side to this is that we just get a nice little change to our schedules. In school students often become bored with having the same daily routine, with the same classes, over and over again. Switching to a new class is just like a refresh in the middle of the year. It gives students the chance to start over in a brand new class, and they may even like it better than their last semester class. It also reminds students that the end of the year is getting closer and may motivate them to work harder in this new class.

A negative side of this is that it may sometimes be hard for students to get adjusted to this new

class, or maybe they had no other option but to take this class and it is not their first choice. Seniors often get stuck into half year classes they may not want to take because they have simply taken every other elective. This may result in putting a senior in an end of the semester slump and they may not work hard at all. If students don’t like their class changes in the second semester, they may just think about how the school year is almost over, and stop working.