loving people and things

Loving a person and loving a thing or activity can be similar but yet completely different. People and things can both mean something special to someone, but in different ways. Loving a person can impact a life in a special way. Two people can become super close and see each other a lot. They can feel comfortable around them enough to start sharing secrets and be there go to person about anything. These people can help each other out with anything. These people can be best friends or boy/girlfriends. These are the people that are there for you no matter what and you can always count on them. The person you love can also love you back and there can be a special bond between the two. The thing about loving a person is you can also explain to the person the love you have for them and how much they mean to you. This person can also say that stuff back in their own words. This feeling of love between the two is something that cannot happen between a person and a thing or activity. A person can love a thing, but it can’t love the person back. Many people out there love sports. They love playing the sport. They love the feeling of playing their hardest and putting in all their effort. They also can love the reward of winning and the feeling that it gives them knowing they were a part of the team bringing in a win.