Spring Activity

I believe the spring activity everybody is looking forward to most is track and field.  This is a sport which combines various athletic contests based on the skills of running, jumping, and throwing. Many people can participate in track due to the wide variety of events a person can take place in. Runners, throwers and jumper s can all do different events that they feel are suited to their skills and that they enjoy.  This is why track is a sport that various people look forward to. It gives people a chance to work off their winter weight by getting into shape and working out.  It is finally nice outside and perfect for long runs, sprints or throwing a Javelin. This also gives a person who for example has a passion for running or throwing a chance to do it competively and get medals from it. They can see their scores and practice on improving and trying to get a better score next time. Not only is this an individual sport but you get to work together and bond as a whole track team. People get to make new friends who enjoy doing the same things they do. This is why track is a spring activity  many people look forward too.