Nifty New Scheduling System

This year Jefferson Morgan School District has a new way of scheduling. Each student attending school the following year gets a scheduling sheet. On the left side of this sheet are the main classes that each student must take. These classes are English, math, science, and history. The student and the teacher must discuss which level of the specific class he or she should take. There is a choice of regular classes, honors classes, and AP classes. The teacher must also sign off on the class the student wants to take. Beside the signature is a space in which the student must write the number that the class falls under. Students are allowed to double up on classes as well. On the right side of the paper is full of electives the students can take. Each is categorized by a main subject. He or she must circle the classes they want to take. Towards the bottom of the sheet is a space to write alternative electives in case students are unable to get into one of the other selected classes. At the bottom of the sheet are 2 lines. One line is for a parent/ guardian to sign and another for the student to sign. Students have a week to choose their classes and get the paper signed and turned it. This way is different from previous years but is very easy to use. It is set up and organized very well. Students really enjoy this new way.